How do I place an order?
To place an order, simply browse our selection of products on our website and choose the style and customization options you prefer. Add the selected canvas to your cart and proceed to checkout. Follow the prompts to provide your contact and shipping information, and complete the payment process. Please contact us if you do not see an item or the options you need, and we will be glad to help!
Is there a minimum order quantity required?
No, we do not have a minimum order quantity. You can place an order for any quantity of products you desire.
How long does it take to receive my order?
The time required to produce and deliver your customized products depends on several factors, including the complexity of customization and the current order volume. Typically, it takes approximately 5-10 business days for production and 3-5 days for standard shipping . Please contact us with ALL time sensitive orders so we can prioritize with production.
When does the production process start for my order?
We initiate the production process for your order only after it has been successfully placed, and payment has been made.
What are your shipping options?
We offer reliable shipping services to ensure your canvas arrives safely and promptly. The standard shipping and associated costs will be displayed during the checkout process.
What is your return policy?
We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with your order, please contact our customer support within 7 days of receiving your order. We will provide options to produce replacements of your items or additional options at that time.